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        發布:2023-11-28 15:49:00編輯:視頻君來源:視頻教程網




        目前市面上比較常見的團購平臺有以下幾個:1. 美團團購:主要提供餐飲、美容、電影、旅游等團購服務,擁有龐大的用戶群體和商家資源。2. 大眾點評團購:與美團團購類似,主要提供餐飲、美容、電影、旅游等團購服務,是美團團購的主要競爭對手。3. 糯米團購:由阿里巴巴旗下的口碑網推出,主要提供餐飲、電影、旅游等團購服務。4. 餓了么團購:主要提供餐飲團購服務,是餓了么外賣平臺推出的新業務。【摘要】
        目前市面上比較常見的團購平臺有以下幾個:1. 美團團購:主要提供餐飲、美容、電影、旅游等團購服務,擁有龐大的用戶群體和商家資源。2. 大眾點評團購:與美團團購類似,主要提供餐飲、美容、電影、旅游等團購服務,是美團團購的主要競爭對手。3. 糯米團購:由阿里巴巴旗下的口碑網推出,主要提供餐飲、電影、旅游等團購服務。4. 餓了么團購:主要提供餐飲團購服務,是餓了么外賣平臺推出的新業務。【回答】
        5. 淘寶團購:集合了天貓、聚劃算等資源,主要提供各類商品的團購服務。以上是一些比較知名的團購平臺,當然還有很多其他的團購平臺可以供您選擇。【回答】


        現在比較大的幾個團購網站也就美團、大眾點評、百度糯米,很難說誰比較好,每個都有自己的獨有商家,能夠給予最低的折扣。所以,有些商家在美團上團購最便宜,而有些在大眾點評上最便宜。從服務上說,這些都是百團大戰中存活下來的,都還是比較可靠的,而且現在經過幾輪融資后,發展越來越好了。 現在可以用友說查團購優惠信息了,只要在里面輸入商家然后點擊找優惠,就能看到該商家在所有團購網站的團購信息,然后找到其中最便宜的,點進去后可直接購買,很方便。


        團購平臺有:同程生活、興盛優選、窩邊優選平臺、興盛優選、鄰鄰壹。 1、同程生活 同程生活是由“同程”內部孵化的社區團購項目。2018年8月開始正式運營,從蘇州起家,資方是同程旅游集團旗下的同程眾創。 2、興盛優選 中國社區電商領跑者,總部位于湖南省長沙市。興盛優選以“預售+自提”的模式服務于廣大社區家庭,為社區家庭提供生鮮水果、肉禽水產、米面糧油、日用百貨等全品類精選商品。 3、窩邊優選平臺 是一個從校園市場出發的社交型零售平臺,以會員制體系為核心、線下前置倉等載體,通過S2B2C模式賦能校園創業者。 4、興盛優選 興盛優選基于湖南著名連鎖便利店品牌“芙蓉興盛”,創始于2014年。主要解決家庭消費者的日常需求,包括水果蔬菜,魚肉禽蛋,日用百貨等產品,通過線上下單,便利店提貨,用戶暢享無憂購物。 5、鄰鄰壹 于2018年3月正式上線,圍繞家庭用戶24小時生活場景,產品覆蓋時令水果,生活家居,三餐食材,堅果零食等四大板塊,產地和廠地直發。消費者當天晚上11點前下單,第二天上午11點前到貨。





        團購(Group purchase)就是團體購物,指認識或不認識的消費者聯合起來,加大與商家的談判能力,以求得最優價格的一種購物方式。根據薄利多銷的原理,商家可以給出低于零售價格的團購折扣和單獨購買得不到的優質服務。團購作為一種新興的電子商務模式,通過消費者自行組團、專業團購網站、商家組織團購等形式,提升用戶與商家的議價能力,并極大程度地獲得商品讓利,引起消費者及業內廠商、甚至是資本市場關注。




        2023年格萊美獎年度歌曲提名:《abcdefu 》- Gayle;《About Damn Time》 - Lizzo;《All Too Well (10 Minute Version) 》- Taylor Swift;《As It Was 》- Harry Styles等。 abcdefu - Gayle About Damn Time - Lizzo All Too Well (10 Minute Version) - Taylor Swift As It Was - Harry Styles Bad Habit - Steve Lacy BREAK MY SOUL - Beyoncé Easy On Me - Adele GOD DID - DJ Khaled feat. Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend, Fridayy The Heart Part 5 - Kendrick Lamar Just Like That - Bonnie Raitt 碧昂絲領跑第65屆格萊美 第65屆格萊美2022年11月15日公布提名名單,碧昂絲以9項提名領跑,說唱歌手肯德里克·拉馬爾以8項提名緊隨其后,阿黛爾和布蘭迪·卡莉分別獲得7項提名,韓國組合“防彈少年團”連續3年獲得格萊美提名,頒獎典禮將于2023年2月5日在美國洛杉磯舉行。 憑借新專輯《文藝復興》,碧昂絲不僅領跑今年的格萊美提名,還同丈夫Jay-Z一同成為格萊美史上提名最多的歌手,縱觀這份入圍名單會發現,它集合了排行榜冠軍、網紅歌手、格萊美寵兒和復古偶像,格萊美已經學會了如何討好那些粉絲最多的歌手,讓整個節目娛樂化。



          1. Record Of The Year 年度作品

          Award to the Artist and to the Producer(s), Recording Engineer(s) and/or Mixer(s), if other than the artist.
          Nothin' On You
          B.o.B Featuring Bruno Mars
          The Smeezingtons, producers; Ari Levine, engineer/mixer
          Track from: The Adventures Of Bobby Ray
          [Rebel Rock/Grand Hustle/Atlantic]Love The Way You Lie
          Eminem Featuring Rihanna
          Alex Da Kid & Makeba Riddick, producers; Alex Da Kid, Eminem & Mike Strange, engineers/mixers
          Track from: Recovery
          [Aftermath/Shady Records/Interscope]F*** You
          Cee Lo Green
          The Smeezingtons, producers
          [Elektra]Empire State Of Mind
          Jay-Z & Alicia Keys
          Angela Hunte, Jane't "Jnay" Sewell-Ulepic & Shux, producers; Ken "Duro" Ifill, Gimel "Young Guru" Keaton & Ann Mincieli, engineers/mixers
          Track from: The Blueprint 3
          [Roc Nation]Need You Now
          Lady Antebellum
          Lady Antebellum & Paul Worley, producers; Clarke Schleicher, engineer/mixer
          Track from: Need You Now
          [Capitol Records Nashville]

          2. Album Of The Year 年度專輯

          Award to the Artist(s) and to the Album Producer(s), Recording Engineer(s)/Mixer(s) & Mastering Engineer(s), if other than the artist.
          The Suburbs
          Arcade Fire
          Arcade Fire & Markus Dravs, producers; Arcade Fire, Mark Lawson & Craig Silvey, engineers/mixers; Mark Lawson, mastering engineer
          [Merge Records]Recovery
          Kobe, Lil Wayne, Pink & Rihanna, featured artists; Alex Da Kid, Boi-1da, Nick Brongers, Dwayne "Supa Dups" Chin-Quee, DJ Khalil, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Jason Gilbert, Havoc, Emile Haynie, Jim Jonsin, Just Blaze, Magnedo7, Mr. Porter, Robert Reyes, Makeba Riddick & Script Shepherd, producers; Alex Da Kid, Dwayne "Supa Dups" Chin-Quee, Kal "Boogie" Dellaportas, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri, Just Blaze, Robert Marks, Alex Merzin, Matthew Samuels, Joe Strange, Mike Strange & Ryan West, engineers/mixers; Brian "Big Bass" Gardner, mastering engineer
          [Aftermath/Shady Records/Interscope]Need You Now
          Lady Antebellum
          Lady Antebellum & Paul Worley, producers; Clarke Schleicher, engineer/mixer; Andrew Mendelson, mastering engineer
          [Capitol Records Nashville]The Fame Monster
          Lady Gaga
          Beyoncé, featured artist; Ron Fair, Fernando Garibay, Tal Herzberg, Rodney Jerkins, Lady Gaga, RedOne, Teddy Riley & Space Cowboy, producers; Eelco Bakker, Christian Delano, Mike Donaldson, Paul Foley, Tal Herzberg, Rodney Jenkins, Hisashi Mizoguchi, Robert Orton, Dan Parry, Jack Joseph Puig, RedOne, Teddy Riley, Dave Russel, Johnny Severin, Space Cowboy, Mark Stent, Jonas Wetling & Frank Wolff, engineers/mixers; Gene Grimaldi, mastering engineer
          [Streamline/KonLive/Cherrytree/Interscope]Teenage Dream
          Katy Perry
          Snoop Dogg, featured artist; Ammo, Benny Blanco, Dr. Luke, Kuk Harrell, Max Martin, Stargate, C. "Tricky" Stewart, Sandy Vee & Greg Wells, producers; Steve Churchyard, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Serban Ghenea, John Hanes, Sam Holland, Jaycen-Joshua, Damien Lewis, Chris O'Ryan, Carlos Oyanedel, Paris, Phil Tan, Brain Thomas, Lewis Tozour, Miles Walker, Emily Wright & Andrew Wuepper, engineers/mixers; Brian Gardner, mastering engineer
          [Capitol Records]

          3. Song Of The Year 年度歌曲

          A Songwriter(s) Award. A song is eligible if it was first released or if it first achieved prominence during the Eligibility Year. (Artist names appear in parentheses.) Singles or Tracks only.
          Beg Steal Or Borrow
          Ray LaMontagne, songwriter (Ray LaMontagne And The Pariah Dogs)
          Track from: God Willin' & The Creek Don't Rise
          [RCA Records; Publishers: Sweet Mary Music/Chrysalis Music]F*** You
          Cee Lo Green, Philip Lawrence & Bruno Mars, songwriters (Cee Lo Green)
          [Elektra]The House That Built Me
          Tom Douglas & Allen Shamblin, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
          Track from: Revolution
          [Columbia Records; Publishers: Sony/ATV Tree Publishing/Tomdouglasmusic, Built On Rock Music]Love The Way You Lie
          Alexander Grant, Holly Hafferman & Marshall Mathers, songwriters (Eminem
          Featuring Rihanna)
          Track from: Recovery
          [Aftermath/Shady Records/Interscope; Publishers: Songs of Universal/Shroom Shady Music/Universal Music Publishing/Universal Music-Z Songs/Hotel Bravo Music/M. Shop Publishing]Need You Now
          Dave Haywood, Josh Kear, Charles Kelley & Hillary Scott, songwriters (Lady
          Track from: Need You Now
          [Capitol Records Nashville; Publishers: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing/DWHaywood Music/Radiobulletspublishing, EMI Foray Music/Hillary Dawn Songs, Year of the Dog Music, Darth Buddha Music]

          4. Best New Artist 最佳新人

          For a new artist who releases, during the Eligibility Year, the first recording which establishes the public identity of that artist.
          Justin BieberDrakeFlorence & The MachineMumford & SonsEsperanza Spalding


          5. Best Female Pop Vocal Performance 最佳流行女歌手

          For a solo vocal performance. Singles or Tracks only.
          King Of Anything
          Sara Bareilles
          Track from: Kaleidoscope Heart
          [Epic]Halo (Live)
          Track from: I Am...Yours An Intimate Performance At Wynn Las Vegas
          [Columbia Records/Music World Music]Chasing Pirates
          Norah Jones
          Track from: The Fall
          [Blue Note Records]Bad Romance
          Lady Gaga
          Track from: The Fame Monster
          [Streamline/KonLive/Cherrytree/Interscope]Teenage Dream
          Katy Perry
          Track from: Teenage Dream
          [Capitol Records]

          6. Best Male Pop Vocal Performance 最佳流行男歌手
          For a solo vocal performance. Singles or Tracks only.
          Haven't Met You Yet
          Michael Bublé
          Track from: Crazy Love
          [143/Reprise]This Is It
          Michael Jackson
          Track from: This Is It
          [Epic]Whataya Want From Me
          Adam Lambert
          Track from: For Your Entertainment
          [RCA Records / 19 Recordings LLC.]Just The Way You Are
          Bruno Mars
          [Elektra]Half Of My Heart
          John Mayer
          Track from: Battle Studies
          [Columbia Records]

          7. Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals 最佳流行組合

          For established duos or groups, with vocals. Singles or Tracks only.
          Don't Stop Believin' (Regionals Version)
          Glee Cast
          Track from: Journey To Regionals
          [Columbia Records]Misery
          Maroon 5
          Track from: Hands All Over
          [Octone/A&M]The Only Exception
          Track from: Brand New Eyes
          [Fueled By Ramen/Atlantic]Babyfather
          Track from: Soldier Of Love
          [Epic]Hey, Soul Sister (Live)
          [Columbia Records]

          8. Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals 最佳流行合唱

          For a collaborative performance, with vocals, by artists who do not normally perform together. Singles or Tracks only.
          Airplanes, Part II
          B.o.B, Eminem & Hayley Williams
          Track from: The Adventures Of Bobby Ray
          [Rebel Rock/Grand Hustle/Atlantic]Imagine
          Herbie Hancock, Pink, India.Arie, Seal, Konono No 1, Jeff Beck & Oumou Sangare
          Track from: The Imagine Project
          [Hancock Records]If It Wasn't For Bad
          Elton John & Leon Russell
          Lady Gaga & Beyoncé
          Track from: The Fame Monster
          [Streamline/KonLive/Cherrytree/Interscope]California Gurls
          Katy Perry & Snoop Dogg
          Track from: Teenage Dream
          [Capitol Records]

          9. Best Pop Instrumental Performance 最佳流行器樂演奏

          For solo, duo, group or collaborative performances, without vocals. Singles or Tracks only.
          Laurie Anderson
          Track from: Homeland
          [Nonesuch]Nessun Dorma
          Jeff Beck
          Track from: Emotion & Commotion
          [Rhino]No Mystery
          Stanley Clarke
          Track from: The Stanley Clarke Band
          [Heads Up International]Orchestral Intro
          Track from: Plastic Beach
          [Virgin Records]Sleepwalk
          The Brian Setzer Orchestra
          Track from: Don't Mess With A Big Band
          [Surfdog Records]

          10. Best Pop Instrumental Album 最佳流行器樂專輯

          For albums containing 51% or more playing time of INSTRUMENTAL tracks.
          Pushing The Envelope
          Gerald Albright
          [Heads Up International]Take Your Pick
          Larry Carlton & Tak Matsumoto
          [335 Records, Inc.]Heart And Soul
          Kenny G
          [Concord Records]Singularity
          Robby Krieger
          [Oglio Records]Everything Is Everything: The Music Of Donny Hathaway
          Kirk Whalum
          [Rendezvous Music/Mack Avenue]

          11. Best Pop Vocal Album 最佳流行演唱專輯

          For albums containing 51% or more playing time of VOCAL tracks.
          My World 2.0
          Justin Bieber
          [Island]I Dreamed A Dream
          Susan Boyle
          [Sony/SYCO Music/Columbia Records]The Fame Monster
          Lady Gaga
          [Streamline/KonLive/Cherrytree/Interscope]Battle Studies
          John Mayer
          [Columbia Records]Teenage Dream
          Katy Perry


          12. Best Dance Recording 最佳舞曲作品

          For solo, duo, group or collaborative performances. Vocal or Instrumental. Singles or tracks only.
          Alison Goldfrapp & Will Gregory, producers; Mark 'Spike' Stent, mixer
          Track from: Head First
          [Mute]In For The Kill
          La Roux
          Elly Jackson & Ben Langmaid, producers; Serban Ghenea & John Hanes, mixers
          Track from: La Roux
          [Cherrytree/Interscope/Polydor/Big Life]Dance In The Dark
          Lady Gaga
          Fernando Garibay & Lady Gaga, producers; Robert Orton, mixer
          Track from: The Fame Monster
          [Streamline/KonLive/Cherrytree/Interscope]Only Girl (In The World)
          [Island Def Jam]Dancing On My Own
          Patrik Berger & Robyn, producers; Niklas Flyckt, mixer
          Track from: Body Talk Pt. 1
          [Konichiwa Records/Cherrytree/Interscope]

          13. Best Electronic/Dance Album 最佳電音/舞曲專輯

          For vocal or instrumental albums. Albums only.
          These Hopeful Machines
          [Nettwerk Records]Further
          The Chemical Brothers
          [Astralwerks]Head First
          [Mute]Black Light
          Groove Armada
          [OM Records]La Roux
          La Roux

          14. Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album 最佳傳統流行演唱專輯

          For albums containing 51% or more playing time of VOCAL tracks.
          Crazy Love
          Michael Bublé
          [143/Reprise]The Greatest Love Songs Of All Time
          Barry Manilow
          [Arista Records]Let It Be Me: Mathis In Nashville
          Johnny Mathis
          [Columbia Records]Fly Me To The Moon…The Great American Songbook: Volume V
          Rod Stewart
          [J Records]Love Is The Answer
          Barbra Streisand
          [Columbia Records]


        The Black Eyed Peas(黑眼豆豆)的女主唱Stacy Ferguson即Fergie唱的

        Wow, wow, wow Come on! you.

        Keep moving it moving it moving it keep moving it

        moving it moving it Keep moving it moving it moving it

        Like this, like that, like this Wo... ..

        Can you feel the life

        It\'s a full moon tonight

        So bring your appetite

        to feast on the mood

        Drink up grove

        Feel the base in your bones

        As the horns make you moan Let the drums take the throan

        And get in the mood slide in the grove’

        Cos I really wanna see you dancing

        I really wanna see you moving

        It\'s a party and I\'m going crazy Wo ... ...

        If your feeling like I\'m feeling Then move your body

        Don\'t stop don\'t stop move your body

        give it all you got now everybody Bailamos Bailamos

        If your feeling like I\'m feeling Then move your body

        Don\'t stop don\'t stop move your body Give it all you got

        now everybody Bailamooos

        Now they\'re looking your way

        As you\'re starting to sway to the band Is they play so

        feast on the mood Drink up the grove move your hips

        Shake your thang Tell the guitar to sing The fiesta bells ring

        The piano moves

        Cos I really wanna see you dancing

        I really wanna see you moving

        It\'s a party and I\'m going crazy wow..

        If you\'re feeling like I\'m feeling

        Then move your body

        Don\'t stop don\'t stop move your body

        Give it all you got now

        everybody Bailamos, Bailamos

        If you\'re feeling like I\'m feeling

        Then move your body

        Don\'t stop don\'t stop move your body

        Give it all you got now everybody Bailamos. Bailamos

        Feeling like I\'m feelinFeeling like

        I\'m feeling Baila la la la la la lamooosssss



        歌曲:Won't Let You Fall



        Won’t Let You Fall
        OST: Poseidon

        I’ll never let you go
        So never let me go
        I will be your journey and you will be my boat
        Down the stormy path
        Love will never come to pass
        You will be our anchor
        Although the winds may blow

        And through the depths of high and low
        Wherever you will go, I’ll follow to the end
        Back again you know

        Won’t let you fall, fall out of love
        Coz together we’ll be holding on
        Coz all we have is us
        Won’t let you go, go away again
        Because life don’t mean nothing at all
        If I don’t have your love

        I will dry your tears
        Take away your fears
        Let me be your shelter
        Your heart is safe in here
        So beautiful and pure
        Nothin I would not endure
        Oohh… love has got me blinded
        I can see it all so clear

        And through the depths of high and low
        Wherever you will go, I’ll follow to the end
        Back again you know

        Won’t let you fall, fall out of love
        Coz together we’ll be holding on
        Coz all we have is us
        Won’t let you go, go away again
        Because life don’t mean nothing at all
        If I don’t have your love

        I’m damned for you for whatever anything you’re going through
        What’s mine is yours every little thing I got you here and when
        Where’s a change comes smashing down and crashing on you

        Won’t let you fall, fall out of love
        Coz together we’ll be holding on
        Coz all we have is us
        Won’t let you go, go away again
        Because life don’t mean nothing at all
        If I don’t have your love

        Don’t have your love
        If I don’t have your love
        No… oohh
        Ever let you go, never let you go
        Let you fall, let you fall
        Fall out of love


        海神號插曲-WON’T LET YOU FALL






        美團好一點 美團和餓了么是當今最大的兩個外賣送餐平臺,兩個平臺都有專送和眾包,對外賣小哥而言這兩個平臺孰優孰劣?新手該選擇哪個平臺?本文就詳細對比兩個平臺的配送單價、單量、配送時長、處罰規。 本人在重慶主城區跑了2年的美團眾包和餓了么的蜂鳥眾包,沒跑過專送、美團“樂跑”,所以本文只分析比較眾包而不談專送、“樂跑”。 先簡單介紹一下眾包和專送的區別,專送就相當于在公司、廠礦上班,每天必須得去公司打卡、開早會,有人進行管理,有事情耍假必須要請假,工資一個月結一次。而眾包就是屬于兼職,不用去公司打卡、開早會。上班時間自由安排,接一單算一單,沒單就可以耍,工資日結。 專送的優勢在于保證單量,而眾包的優勢在于自由。 從去年開始美團在眾包基礎上推出“樂跑”,“樂跑”就是每周必須跑6天,必須完成高峰期規定單量,才能按大概每一單7塊到8塊計算,否則每一單就按4塊錢一單。“樂跑”騎手系統派單不能拒絕,拒絕一次扣2塊錢,如果每天拒絕超過10單,以后拒絕一單扣10塊錢。而眾包騎手系統派單拒絕不會扣錢,但是單量上沒有“樂跑”騎手多。“樂跑”新手不能參加,必須是跑了一定時間的老騎手才能參加。 送外賣美團和餓了么兩個平臺孰優孰劣?新手最適合跑哪個平臺? 下面我就美團眾包和餓了么的蜂鳥眾包做詳細對比分析。 1. 從外賣訂單單量上比較,在重慶范圍內美團眾包比蜂鳥眾包要多些,美團大概占65%,餓了么占35%。 2. 從訂單配送費比較,同樣的距離餓了么比美團要高1塊錢左右。 3. 從配送時間上比較,同樣的距離餓了么的時間要比美團長5分鐘到10分鐘左右。 4. 從差評處罰上比較,美團一周1個差評扣3塊錢,2個差評扣8塊錢,3個差評扣15塊錢,而餓了么差評目前不扣錢。 5. 騎手如果搶錯了單取消訂單,美團是一次扣10塊錢,而餓了么是根據騎手接單時間和訂單配送費決定扣費多少,具體是接單后1分鐘取消扣配送費的40%,例如一單配送費是6元錢,它的40%就是2.4元錢,接單后大于5分鐘扣60%,15分后扣100%。 5. 餓了么在某些特殊情況下,還會給騎手一點獎勵。例如騎手在送到顧客家門口,敲門顧客不開門,打電話不接,上報經過系統驗證后,騎手如果等一會聯系到顧客完成配送后,會有2塊錢獎勵,但是美團這種情況一分錢獎勵都沒有。 6.餓了么在騎手接單后如果商家、用戶取消訂單,會給予1到3元錢的補貼,而美團這種情況一分錢都沒有補貼。 7.騎手在配送過程中快要超時的時候,餓了么會有語音提示,會有一個小姐姐用柔美的聲音說“你有一個訂單還有10分鐘超時、5分鐘超時、1分鐘超時”,而美團卻從來沒有這種提示。 8.餓了么在取餐的時候,每一單會有一個獨一無二的取餐驗證碼,騎手需要手動在APP上輸入正確取餐碼才能點擊“取餐”,如果輸入錯誤就無法“取餐”。這個方法可以有效地防止騎手取錯餐,而美團眾包取餐根本不需要取餐碼。美團眾包在騎手太忙的時候稍不注意容易取錯餐,取錯餐是最麻煩的事情,跑到半路上商家會給你打電話讓你返回去把餐換過,這樣很容易導致超時,超時后顧客可能會給差評、取消訂單。我以前都遇到過好幾次取錯餐,后來特別注意這點后基本沒取錯過餐,新手太忙的時候容易取錯餐。美團很多人都遇到過取錯餐,而餓了么從來沒有人取錯餐過,因為需要輸入取餐碼才能取餐,不可能取錯餐。這點雖然稍微有點點麻煩,慢了一兩秒鐘,但是保證了騎手絕對不會取錯餐,這點要給餓了么大大點贊。



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